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ChatGPT roastnul i naše feedy! Kdo z FOMO redakce si dělá kontury i ve spaní, kdo má identity crisis a kdo je tak trochu quirky?

And it did us dirty. Nejostřejší kritiku bez špetky empatie na ig feedy členů FOMO redakce najdeš v článku. Au.

(Omluv prosím angličtinu, ale ChatGPT je v angličtině vtipnější 👀)

The self- appointed movie and TV guy


„Your Instagram feed looks like it was curated by someone who thinks having a mildly interesting life is a personality trait. Seriously, the only thing more basic than your feed is a pumpkin spice latte. You’ve got all the essentials: group photos with random people who might be your friends if only they posted about you half as much as you do about them, a beach pic because, of course, you need everyone to know that you once saw water, and an overabundance of movie-related content because, apparently, you’re the self-appointed ‚movie and TV guy.‘

I mean, we get it - you hike


„Scrolling through this feed feels like watching a quirky indie film where protagonist is always either lost in the mountains or in his own reflection. You’ve got the mustache that screams ‚I’m hip, but also kinda want to be a 70s detective,‘ while the couple selfies give off major ‚we’re that outdoorsy, adventurous couple you wish you were‘ vibes. I mean, we get it – you hike. And the mix of nature shots, mirror selfies, and random protest signs make it seem like you’re not sure if you want to be an influencer, a social activist, or just really good at taking selfies in different settings. All in all, it’s giving ‚I’m trying hard not to try hard‘ energy.

A model who lost his agency deal but found a dog


„You are out here flexing like a model who lost his agency deal but found a dog. Half the feed is your dog, the other half is you trying to look deep or adventurous. Spoiler: The dog’s pulling more weight here. Your IG feed is a mix of ‚travel blogger‘ meets ‚sneakerhead‘, with a dash of ‚wannabe art critic‘. You’ve got camel rides and deep stares into the distance, but let’s be real – your dog is carrying this entire account. Half the feed is your pet, and the other half is you trying to look like you are living your best life while clearly coordinating your outfits with your locations. It’s like you’re on a quest to find yourself, but your dog found fame first. Keep it up – at least dog’s likes are genuine.“

Come on, pick a side already


Your Instagram feed looks like it’s going through an existential crisis: it's a mix of trying-too-hard aesthetic shots and some very basic, ‚I’m just figuring out life‘ vibes. The artsy flower photos and vintage fashion poses scream ‚I’m deep,‘ but then there's that neon pink ‚FUCK NORMAL‘ graffiti that suggests you’re still stuck in the teenage rebellion phase. The ‚I don't need a man but where is he?‘ shirt? Come on, pick a side already. The scattered pictures of coffee cups and random travel shots are classic filler content, like you’re desperately trying to prove you’re living your best life—when in reality, you're probably just scrolling through TikTok in bed.“

Ticking off an aesthetic checklist


„Your Instagram feed looks like a curated mix of ‚aspiring influencer meets casual fashionista‘. It’s filled with classic poses, mirror selfies, and the standard artsy architecture shot, but it’s almost like you’re trying to tick off an aesthetic checklist. You’ve got the classic ‚sunglasses while pouting‘ look, the obligatory elevator selfie, and of course, the ‚I’m reading a book, but it’s more about the vibe than the literature.‘ It’s all put together well, but it feels like calculated attempt at casual. You might want to shake things up a bit to stand out in a sea of perfectly posed content.“

Somewhere between gap year influencer and pinterest- inspired travel blogger


„Your Instagram feed looks like it’s having an identity crisis between a ‚Gap Year Influencer‘ and a ‚Pinterest-inspired Travel Blogger‘ who’s still trying to figure out how to get those aesthetic vibes just right. It’s like your graduation ceremony and European vacation collided with some random shots of food, flowers, and sunsets for good measure. You’ve got the classic mix of basic tourist spots and outfit posts that scream, ‚I’m trying, but not too hard.‘ At least you’re consistently inconsistent, and hey, that’s an aesthetic too, right?

Chaotic mix of indie vibes and hipster existencialism


„Your Instagram is like a chaotic mix of indie vibes and hipster existentialism, where every photo screams, ‚I’m not trying, but I definitely am.‘ It’s a blend of moody close-ups, nature shots, and attempts at artsy candids that are just a tad too curated to be truly spontaneous. The mix of random events, hikes, and vaguely deep captions makes it seem like you’re chasing a mysterious aesthetic that even you’re not fully committed to. It’s like you’re trying to say, ‚I don’t care,‘ but clearly care just enough to try and convince everyone else you don’t.“

I am quirky and I know it


„Your Instagram feed is a chaotic mix of random selfies, Czech beer reviews, and the occasional mountain scenery, interspersed with you looking perpetually surprised or mildly confused. The vibe is like a Czech hipster trying to find their niche – whether it’s holding a beer, posing in front of signs, or making meme-worthy faces. The feed screams, ‚I am quirky and I know it,‘ but with the subtlety of someone who might just be discovering what that even means. It’s endearing, in a ‚did I really just watch this?‘ kind of way.“

I woke up like this


„Your Instagram feed is like a highlight reel of someone who’s balancing between living a Pinterest-perfect life and a 90s rom-com aesthetic. The effortlessly tousled hair and artsy smoothie shots say, ‚I woke up like this,‘ while the glam night-out photos scream, ‚But I’m also the main character.‘ You’ve got a mix of moody lighting and ‚I’m not even trying‘ poses, which clearly took way more planning than you’d admit. It’s a blend of ‚I’m a sophisticated adult‘ with just a dash of ‚I still want to be the cool girl in school,‘ all wrapped up in a carefully crafted vibe.“

I just post whatever


„Your feed looks like the chaotic aftermath of a vacation, a sports match, and a random night out with the boys all thrown together with no rhyme or reason – kind of like you couldn’t decide whether you’re living your best life or just trying to make it look that way. The inconsistent photo quality and repetitive poses scream ‚I just post whatever,‘ which might work if ‚whatever‘ had any cohesion. It’s like a buffet where nothing quite matches but hey, at least there’s variety – just not the kind that impresses.“

Honey, do you ever take a day off?


„Alright, let's dive into this masterpiece of makeup and mild chaos. First off, it's like your face is the canvas and the whole of Sephora is your palette—but honey, do you ever take a day off? Your feed looks like the ‚before‘ and ‚after‘ of someone discovering TikTok trends in real time. The mix of ‚girl math‘ and skincare tips tells me you’re equal parts glam guru and life coach, but let’s be real—you’re probably coaching us all into making our wallets cry with those product hauls. Also, the ‚Wonder Curl Theory‘ has me wondering if even Einstein could figure out how you find the time to serve looks while breaking down these deep thoughts. Keep it up—your dedication to slayage is truly unmatched, but I’m convinced you might just be contouring in your sleep at this point!

Mysterious mood board


Your Instagram feed is like a mysterious mood board that can't decide if it wants to be a travel diary, a hipster brunch review, or an indie band's album cover. You've got a mix of grain fields and grand European architecture right next to selfies that scream ‚I woke up like this... but after three cups of coffee.‘ And what's with the highlights? From ‚medomáslo‘ (is that butter with honey?) to a suspiciously vague ‚?‘, it's like a scavenger hunt for your inner thoughts. The aesthetic is definitely there, but I'm not sure what it's trying to say—except maybe that you're a modern-day Renaissance who could use a bit more focus.“

Too cool for you


„Your IG feed looks like a moody, artsy catalog for a ‚too cool for you‘ model who's always either in Paris or on her way to some exclusive, secret garden party. It's a parade of nearly identical sultry selfies, dark-toned aesthetics, and that one iconic shot with the Eiffel Tower as if to remind us you're effortlessly chic. The only thing more consistent than your pose is the subtle message that you’ve mastered the art of looking like you don’t care about looking perfect—while being perfect. If brooding elegance had a spokesperson, it would be you.“

Díky za nic AI, empatii ti asi nenaprogramovali💀